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Cannelure Tools

Hand Cannelure Tool Hand Cannelure Tool
Code: HCT-1
Price: $260.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Lead Bullet Knurling Tool Lead Bullet Knurling Tool
Code: HCT-2
Price: $260.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Lead grooving tool Lead grooving tool
Code: HCT-3
Price: $260.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Power Cannelure Machine Power Cannelure Machine
Code: PCM-2
Price: $1,250.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Power Cannelure Machine Wheel, std. 050 groove Power Cannelure Machine Wheel, std. 050 groove
Code: PCM-W
Price: $90.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Power Cannelure Machine Knurling/Custom Wheel Power Cannelure Machine Knurling/Custom Wheel
Code: PCM-WC
Price: $180.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Power Cannelure Machine Spacer Set Power Cannelure Machine Spacer Set
Code: PCM-S
Price: $12.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Power Cannelure Carousel Support Power Cannelure Carousel Support
Code: PCM-F
Price: $189.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Power Cannelure Custom Carousel Power Cannelure Custom Carousel
Code: PCM-FC
Price: $349.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Hand Cannelure Tool Wheel Hand Cannelure Tool Wheel
Code: HCT-1W
Price: $54.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Lead bullet grooving wheel (std.) Lead bullet grooving wheel (std.)
Code: HCT-3W
Price: $54.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Hard Knurl Kit for HCT-2 Hard Knurl Kit for HCT-2
Code: HCT-2WH
Price: $300.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Custom Hard Roller Knurling Tool Custom Hard Roller Knurling Tool
Code: HCT-2HC
Price: $467.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Lead Bullet knurling kit for HCT-2 Lead Bullet knurling kit for HCT-2
Code: HCT-2W
Price: $100.00
Quantity in Basket: none

HCT-1 Roller and Axle Kit HCT-1 Roller and Axle Kit
Code: HCT-1KIT
Price: $54.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Replacement Back Plate for PCM-2 Replacement Back Plate for PCM-2
Code: PCM-P
Price: $214.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Bushing Set for Hand Cannelure Tool Bushing Set for Hand Cannelure Tool
Price: $15.00
Quantity in Basket: none

Crank handle assembly for HCT Crank handle assembly for HCT
Price: $15.00
Quantity in Basket: none

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