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RF jacket maker, -R, 224
RF jacket maker, -R, 224 Quantity in Basket: None
Catalog No.: RFJM-22R
Price: $239.00
Shipping Weight: 1.00 pounds
  Spare 224 punch
  6mm (243) conversion punch
  6mm Knock-out rod
  No punch (die body only -$75)
RFJM-22R turns fired .22 LR cases into excellent thin-wall bullet jackets for .224 caliber bullets. The average weight range is from about 45 to 60 grains, depending on how much exposed lead or open tip one desires.

The jacket maker also works with .22 Short, .22 Long, and .22 Stinger cases, but not with .22 Magnum which is a thicker wall and may break the die if attempted. The fired and cleaned cases are pushed through the die, coming out the top with the rim unfolded and ironed smooth, and a .219-.220 diameter jacket resulting, in a .705 length for the .22 LR case.

Punches are eventually worn by the priming compound inside the rim area, and may be ground off if they develop a groove about 1/8 inch from the end. The symptom of a worn punch is that the rim does not iron smoothly, but leaves a ridge which can be detrimental to accuracy. Typical priming residue will wear the punch tip in from 5,000 to 10,000 rounds. Punch rods are replaceable. They screw into the base with a 6mm thread, if the base is held in a 3-jaw chuck while the rod is held and turned using a pin vise or drill chuck to secure it from slipping (pliers and similar methods of holding the parts will usually cause damage to the punch or base).

Related Item(s)
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BSD-224R 224 2-Die Swage Set $620.00 Currently unavailable!
CSL-2 Corbin Swage Lube, 2-oz $10.00  
RFJM-ROD Rod for 224 RFJM punch $10.00  

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