Standard punch, type -S
Quantity in Basket:
Catalog No.: PUNCH-S
Price: $70.00
Shipping Weight: 0.25 pounds
PUNCH-S designates any standard shape and caliber
of punch for flat base, cup base, hollow base, dish base,
core seating, and other standard external punches, or for
ejection pin punches and other internal punches of standard
(stock sizes) dimensions.
The options ONLY apply to certain kinds of punches. Don't worry about entering information that does not apply to your punch type.
For instance, the nose shapes ONLY apply to SWC style external punches. The jacket discovery and questions about jacket type and weight ONLY apply to core seating punches. If you don't know the answer, don't worry about it. We'll figure it out or ask you before shipping!
If you want a punch shape or purpose that is NOT one of the standard types shown here, please order
a PUNCH-SC (cat.no.)
This custom category includes punches that are made to order for a specific
shape, custom design, or
in other ways
require custom work, and cannot be taken from a standard supply.
Examples of custom punches (PUNCH-SC) include:
- CS or LSWC punches in 3/4-E, 1-E or other nose shape with a specified FLAT TIP (meplat).
- CS or LSWC punches which have any shape that is NOT one of the standard listed shapes.
- Any punch which for which you wish to specify exact base or nose length, depth, margins, hollow point lengths or widths.
- Basically, any punch that has to be built to order rather than made using our standard design and tooling.
Specific purpose punches are listed under special catalog numbers including:
- PUNCH-SX (X-punch, cruciform four-bladed design),
- PUNCH-SA (an adjustable sleeve design for .375 and smaller),
- PUNCH-SL (adjustable sleeve design for larger calibers,
- PUNCH-SF (special extra long powder funnel punch),
- PUNCH-ST (a tip seating punch for point form dies),
- PUNCH-SJ (bullet tip closing punch, special steel and heat treatment)
- PUNCH-SS (saber tooth, internal, for six point toothed bullet tips)
For Air Gun slug swage dies (PF-1-SP) and similar point formers, select the type of dies as PF (point form). Select the kind of punch as EXTERNAL. Then select the type of base you want. Enter the diameter (caliber) but ignore any blanks that ask for other specifics, unless you are ordering a custom shape under the PUNCH-SC product type. Most PF dies use an EXTernal punch with a flat, dish, cup, or hollow base shape for airguns. Some use the RBT base. Almost none use the BG base style, which is popular for black powder and for handgun bullets. The internal punch or ejector punch for a point form die used for jacketed bullets is normally just an ejector wire in a punch head, but for lead bullets it often is a presure sealing, synchronized ejector with very specific length and size dimensions. Information related to the internal synchronized punches is not relevant to the other kinds of standard ejectors or internal punches for point form dies.
Standard draw punches such as those for flat base reducing
dies for bullets or drawing punches for the standard size
jacket reducers are also covered by the PUNCH-S designation.
Fitting Core Seat Punches (External) to Jackets:
If you wish to send cores and jackets so the die makers can match your core weight (length) to the ID of your jacket at the point where the core will be seated, please check the box indicating that you would like this discovery service. The matching a core seat punch OD to a specific core and jacket combination other than the "stock" sizes requires additional time on the test bench experimenting to discover the ideal diameter, fitting the punch, testing and adjusting. However, it is the best way to determine the proper size for any given core and jacket combination, and can solve issues with undersized bullets, wrinkles or fold lines, jackets sticking on the punch, and similar mis-match problems.
For CS-1-S or LSWC-1-S dies you can select either an
internal (base) or external (nose) punch. Here are the standard
nose shapes you can enter:
- Flat
- Target Wadcutter (TWC)
- Button Nose Wadcutter (BWC)
- 3/4-E round nose
- 1-E round nose
- Truncated Conical or Keith (TC)
- Conical
- Open Tip Hollow Point (OTHP) (CS dies only)
- Lead Tip Hollow Point (LTHP) (CS or LSWC)
Here are the standard shapes of base or internal
punches for CS-1-S or LSWC-1-S dies:
- Flat base (FB)
- Dish base (DB)
- Cup Base (CB)
- Hollow Base (HB)
- Base Guard (BG)
Here are the external (top or bullet base) punch shapes
for PF-1-S point forming dies or LT-1-S lead tip dies:
- Flat base (FB)
- Dish base (DB)
- Cup Base (CB)
- Hollow Base (HB)
- Base Guard (BG)
- Rebated Boattail Base (RBT)
Since all the standard -S type punches are the same
catalog number (PUNCH-S), the description is needed provide
information about the shape, purpose, caliber, and the die
which it needs to fit.
Related Item(s)
Punch, type -R
Adj. length punch, type -S (< ..50)
Rod for 224 RFJM punch
Powder metal seating punch, type -S
X-punch, type -S
Adjustable punch, type -S, (...50 tubing)
Bullet Reducing Die, w/Guide Punch, Type -H
Saber Tooth Internal Punch, type -S
Floating Punch Holder, -H
Punch Head Extension, -S
RF Jacket Maker Punch, -S
Punch, Internal PF for tip seating, -S
Rod insert for S-type Internal Punch
Jacket Tip Closer Punch, LT Internal
Custom -SC type Punch
Punch-S PF External FMJ base turning