Jacket Maker Kit, Manual Feed, Type -H
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Catalog No.: JMK-1-H
Price: $4,999.00
Shipping Weight: 10.00 pounds
JMK-1-H manual feed jacket maker set works in CHP-1 Hydro Press. It can draw nearly any caliber or length of jacket from.030 to .125 thick strip, 1-inch to 1.5-inch width (specificdimensions for a given set of tooling). However, the hand press is best used with .030 inch thickstrip. Thicker material is very difficult to cut and drawwith a hand press. It is simple to do with the Hydro Press.
Most small arms calibers can be made from standard .030thick strip, 1-inch wide. Calibers longer than 1 inch andlarger than .308 generally are drawn from .050 inch thickmaterial of 1.25 inch width, but the strip required for agiven jacket is calculated for you.
The JMK-1-H set consists of a blanking die, through whichyou manually pull a length of copper strip, punching out"coins" or disks of proper diameter and thickness. Thenext die is a cupping die, which draws the disk into ashort, thick walled cup of large diameter. The cup is thenredrawn through additional draw dies until it becomes theproper diameter and wall thickness. The last step is atrim die to set the length, and is adjustable.
The primary difference between the JMK-1-H and the JMK-2-His the blanking and cupping stage, which is combined intoone die and provided with automatic strip feed in theJMK-2-H. The rest of the dies are identical (drawingstages) between the two sets. Therefore you can upgradea JMK-1-H set to make a JMK-2-H at a later time by replacing the blanking and cupping dies with the specialauto-feed/auto-lube blanking/cupping head for a HydroPress. The JMK-2-H cannot be used in a hand operated press (such as the Mega Mite). To take advantage of full automatic feed ofstrip, you also need the CSU-1 Strip Uncoiler and theCHP-1 Hydro Press.
See details on making more than one jacket per kit
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