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Turning Ideas Into Income
Turning Ideas Into Income Quantity in Basket: None
Catalog No.: TIII
Price: $16.00
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Tips for Starting Your Own Custom Bullet Business!

This 224-page book provides over 40 years of insights into the business of custom bullet making, and contains organization, marketing, promotion, and business plan tips that can be of value in other fields as well.

This first print edition includes updated chapters detailing the changes in methods and thinking to go along with the ever changing economy, as well as the bedrock principles that have not changed and continue to separate successful small businesses from failures.

Realistic expectations and personality traits are also discussed, to help you decide if you are a good match to the demands of a custom bullet business. Detailed information regarding the means of planning, financing, organizing, promoting and operating a small business help you make the decision before buying equipment.

The information is based on Dave Corbin's personal experience in building and selling successful businesses, and on helping clients in the custom bullet field become well-known successes whose products you see in nearly every reloading supply outlet today. Inside information on how other businesses relate to your ideas include revelations such as why technical merit may be of no particular importance when it comes to selling your idea to an existing manufacturer, even though you would assume it is the most important factor. Tips about non-disclosure agreements, patents, partnership organization, leveraging a very small amount of capital to build a successful business without debt, and techniques for turning income into wealth, even in hard times, are a few of the concepts and techniques covered.

A simple, seven step business plan quickly outlines the ideas that have worked so well for Corbin clients over the past decades. You can quickly move ahead with low-cost marketing techniques instead of becoming mired in inappropriate "big business" methods taught by most college business textbooks.

If you enjoy a little humor with practical ideas for turning a life of "owing" into a life of "owning", security and success, based on an enjoyable adventure that pays back your effort with better than average rewards, then you will find this book worth reading.

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