RF Jacket Maker, -S, 243
Quantity in Basket:
Catalog No.: RFJM-6MS
Price: $239.00
Shipping Weight: 1.00 pounds
RFJM-6MS is the die that turns .22 LR cases into
6mm jackets (actually into preforms that are finished into
the final jacket shape during core seating).
This die screws into the S-press ram. It is
used with a two-diameter punch, which flares the jacket
mouth so it will seal pressure when inserted into a .243
caliber core seating die. This allows the pressure to
expand the jacket from the .219 size up to .243 when the
lead core is seated. The jacket is NOT pushed through the
die, but is only pushed far enough in to unfold and iron
the head back into a smooth cylinder. Then the jacket is
ejected automatically when the press ram is lowered, with the internal
punch (ejection punch). The external punch screws into
the top of the press, in the FPH-1-S floating punch holder.
The normal hex-bushing is unscrewed from the punch holder,
and the threaded top or external punch is screwed directly
into the punch holder instead. Then the punch holder is
used to set the proper position to flare the mouth at the
end of the stroke.
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