Primer Pocket Swage, 50 BMG
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Catalog No.: PT-50-SH
Price: $269.00
Shipping Weight: 1.50 pounds
This is a primer pocket swage for 50 BMG cases, designed to swage the military crimp so that a new primer can be inserted more easily. It may be used in conjunction with a cutter-type primer pocket tool, to make the primer pocket more smooth and uniform. Some crimps may be difficult to remove entirely without cutting with a reamer style tool, while others may respond very nicely just to the swaging operation. But in general the primer pocket swage does a good job by itself: just be aware that there are some particularly difficult to prepare military 50 BMG cases which might require a reamer the first time they are being prepared for re-priming.
The punch is adjustable to allow the rod to project above the shell holder inside surface. It needs to be adjusted in length (with the threaded head and lock nut) so that the tip of the punch goes about 0.210 inches into the primer pocket with the press ram all the way down. This will require initial trial setup before processing a quantity of cases, perhaps two or three attempts on the first case until it is being properly swaged. Once set up, the swage should not require further adjustment unless the rim thickness of the cases changes significantly from one group to another. The case is positioned by the top surface of the rim against the top of the shell holder, when pushing the punch into the primer pocket, so the projection of the punch needs to include however much tolerance is noted between the rim and the shell holder. Fortunately the exact amount of extension isn't critical, so you can get it close and it will work fine.
The tool is put into the RAM of your press. There is a RETRACTION PIN (1/4-inch diameter, about 4 inches long, stainless steel) that slips UNDER the ram spring, THROUGH the hole in the punch head, and is set to project equally on both sides of the ram, through the long slot in the ram. This is the same pin used for all of your swaging dies to retract the punch. The big spring pushes down on the pin, and the pin in turn pulls down on the punch head when you raise the ram. To get the pin into the punch and under the spring, you will need to raise the ram and relieve spring compression.
There is a KNOCK-OUT BAR that passes through the press ram, on which the punch head comes to rest. In the Hydro Press, one bar works for all punches because the bottom of the stroke position is adjustable. In the Mega Mite CSP-2 hand press, the bottom of the stroke is a fixed mechanical position, so different bars are provided to put the punch higher or lower with different tools. Use the one that lets your ram go all the way down, and still pushes the punch upward at the bottom of the stroke. Too tall of a bar will stop the ram stroke by using up all the space between the back of the tool (threaded end, in the ram) and the frame of the press. If you cannot move the ram down all the way, you are trying to use too tall of a knock-out bar. But if the punch won't adjust far enough up to project into the cartrige primer pocket, the problem is likely too short of a knock-out bar.
Raise the ram slightly, so that the swage punch retracts below the shell holder surface. Slip a cartridge to be swaged into the shell holder. Make absolutely sure that you are NOT putting a primed cartridge into the ram! Whether it is fired or not, the primer would be a problem -- you want ONLY deprimed cases. If you insert a case with a live primer, you are asking for trouble and might get hurt if you try to swage the live primer and set it off. Be aware of what you are putting into the shell holder!
Now lower the ram all the way. This will bring the ram, tool body, shell holder, and empty case down while the punch is resting on the knock-out bar. That pushes the tip of the hardened punch into the primer pocket and swages the crimped edge. Then raise the ram slightly to retract the pin and release the case, so you can slip it out and insert another one. Repeat until you are tired of swaging the cases or run out of them, and you are done!
Wiping a small amount of Corbin Swage Lube on the tip of the punch will reduce wear and friction, but it isn't necessary. If you do use lube, be sure to clean the cases with hot water or an organic solvent before repriming them. Or tumble them until all traces of lube are gone, and check the primer pockets with a swab to make sure.
If you plan to clean the cases thoroughly anyway, lube doesn't add any particular work for removal.
Now, this last part isn't very likely, but we are throwing it out there just to cover the most bizzare possibilities:
If you should ever find that a case sticks on the punch, and the spring isn't powerful enough to pull it out, here is how to remove the case:
- Remove the retraction pin.
- Unscrew the tool from the ram.
- Slip the retraction pin back through the hole in the punch head, and use it to help turn and pull on the punch.
- If this does not work, do NOT resort to hammers, tongs, dynamite, pliers and crow bars. The solution is to pack the tool (with lots of padding so the post office can throw it off the tallest building and not bend anything), and return it to Corbin where the stuck punch will be removed without damage to the tool. It is amazing how much damage a frustrated but creative operator can do with ordinary household tools that are completely inappropriate for preserving a device's appearance and function! We do not charge anything to remove the stuck punch and cartridge. All we ask is return shipping.