Custom Tubing Jacket Maker
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Catalog No.: CTJM-2-H
Price: $1,558.00
Shipping Weight: 5.00 pounds
CTJM-2-H tubing jacket maker set is designed for usewith tubing supplied by the customer, rather than the standard known material provided by Corbin.
Note: Sample tubing is required in enough quantityto make at least 25 bullet jackets. The tubing must besent in sufficient length pieces to cut accurately forthe desired jackets, and must be clean, undented materialsuitable for producing good jackets.
Since nearly30 years of development has already gone into the use ofstandard tubing, and dimensions are documented, the costof making a jacket maker set for standard tubing is less.
But when special wall thickness or diameter, alloy or hardness, grain structure or other variation is required,or when locally obtained tubing with some or all of thesespecifications unknown or different from Corbin tubing,then several days additional labor are often required to test and determine the proper dimensions and techniques.
For instance, tubing that is softer or harder than the material used with standard dies may fold, crack, extrude,or otherwise act in a manner inconsistent with standardtubing. These various behaviors are discovered during thetesting and development. They may require different punchand die dimensions, or even different kinds of tooling,to produce acceptable jackets. The final result is aworking set of tools that makes a quality jacket, but themeans of achieving it can be different in small or majorways from that used with standard, known spec tubing, oftenrequiring many hours of die-making, testing, rebuilding,and experimenting before the desired results are achieved.