CSP-2 Ram to Toggle Pin (.625 x 3.43-in)
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Catalog No.: CSP-2PIN
Price: $10.00
Shipping Weight: 0.25 pounds
The CSP-2PIN is the 5/8-inch diameter, hardened, ground and polished pin which slips through both of the ram toggle and the bearing in the end of the Mega Mite press ram. It connects the ram to the toggle, which in turn is connected to the press frame by two swinging links.
Breaking this pin takes extreme force, and few people have managed to do it. But a few have managed to lose the pin. The pin is held in position in the current production presses by means of set screws in the front edge of the toggle arms. (Earlier designs used link pins or clip retainers, which required a groove in one end of the pin The current pins do not need a groove, so they are stronger.)
The set screws are tightetned gently by hand pressure on a short arm hex key. The pin needs to be held firmly so it will not slide from side to side and project past the edge of the toggle arm. If the pin is allowed to project beyond the side of the toggle arm, it will interfere with and damage the finish of the links. The links have a black finish to resist rust and corrosion. The link will be marked if the pin end scrapes or runs into it. Keep the pin flush with or below the surface of the toggle arm.
Rarely, a person will leave the pin sticking out far enough to stop the ram from moving its full cycle, and will call to complain that the press doesn't work, the die doesn't work, or some unlikely problem is happening. If the ram does not move easily for its full stroke (with no dies or punches installed) check the ram pin, and make certain it is centered in the ram, and does NOT project on either side of the toggle links.
The pin dimensions are 0.625 diameter by 3.43 inch length. Do not substitute other sizes or materials. The hardened, ground, and polished link pin runs smoothly in a solid bearing (or bushing, if you wish) press fit to a hole in the end of the ram. The ram is the long 1.5-inch diameter industrial chromed, hardened shaft that runs up and down to lift the die and its internal punch toward the press head. Do not call the pin a "ram", or the ram a "pin" since that is incorrecct and may cause confusion regarding what sort of part you actually want. Likewise, neither part is a "punch". You can call it a shaft or rod but that is vague and imprecise, and we will need to find out what you really want, even though technically if you are not trying to get the right part for a swaging tool, they are types of rods or shafts, just as they are types of metal objects. But ordering a "metal object" doesn't quite pin it down to the right sort of rod, and you might think you got the shaft!
A few definitions will keep things straight:
Punches are the items which push bullets and jackets into and out of dies. There are two punches with a swage die, the internal punch and the external punch.
- The internal punch slides up and down inside the press ram and stays inside (internal) the die during operation, causing ejection of the finished part.
- The external punch fits in a punch holder, at the top or head of the press, and pushes material into the swage die.
- Punches for draw dies (either bullet or jacket reducing) fit into the press ram, while the die screws into the press head.
- A draw die has only ONE punch, since drawing is pushing a component into and out the top of the same die.
Dies are the cylindrical hardened steel items which screw into the press ram (for swaging) or into the press head (for drawing). Try not to call punches "dies".
Rams are the moving cylindrical part of the press. Please do not call a punch a ram, or a ram a punch. It only delays your order.
Pins are either the hardened, polished cylindrical parts that hold moving portions of the press together, or they are the thin ejection wires or tips used as part of a punch. Pins are not "punches" but some kinds of punches (such as the internal point forming punches) do have a pin for making a hollow point or for ejection of the bullet. Sometimes the ejection punch is called an ejection pin. It is understood that the pin is the thin wire portion, whether or not is is attached to a punch head.
It is always more clear and better to avoid calling internal punches "pins", and never to call an external punch a "pin".
Rods are a catch-all term for cylindrical parts that don't fall into the other categories, such as a knock-out rod for a -R type die. Sometimes people call the ram, or even the punch holder, a "rod" but that is very confusing. Rods typicalliy have no threads or at most, a few on one end to secure them to something else. Point forming dies that create hollow point bullet are made by securing an "insert rod" into a punch head with a set screw. The term "insert rod" is used when the ejection punch has a step and reduced tip for making hollow points, as opposed to a simple wire ejection pin. Both ejection pins and insert rods eject the bullet on the down stroke. But the ejection pin is just a hardened wire, while the insert rod is machined, fitted, and synchronized in length to the die cavity. Both fit into a punch head, with a set screw. Generally if you call an insert rod an ejection pin, it doesn't cause much or any confusion, depending on the context.