224 x .800 jackets, pk/500
Quantity in Basket:
Catalog No.: J-22-800
Price: $75.00
Shipping Weight: 1.50 pounds
This is a package of 500 jackets for the .22 centerfire
calibers including .220 Swift, .221 Fireball, 5.7mm, 5.65mm,
.222 and .223, and so forth all the way to the .225 calibers.
As you can probably guess, almost every modern 22 centerfire
cartridge, no matter what it is named, uses a .224 diameter
bullet with very few exceptions.
These jackets are 0.8-inches long, and weigh 17 grains. Their
initial diameter is .2230 approximately, so they can be
easily expanded during core seating to become .224 bullets.
The purpose of these jackets is to offer a longer, heavier
bullet capability. In typical 6-S spitzer they can make the
65, 70, 75, and even 80 grain bullets. With a round nose
they can achieve even more weight with a lead tip, as much as
85-87 grains, ideal for the sub-sonic rounds that depend
on weight for their energy.
Sold in packages of 500 jackets. The punch size for seating
the lead core into them is about 0.2015-0.2020 (some latitude
is possible depending on how deeply you seat the core - this
is for normal seating near the jacket mouth area).
Related Item(s)
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