-R punch for 6mm Rimfire Jacket Maker
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Catalog No.: PUNCH-R_243RFJM
Price: $90.00
Shipping Weight: 0.15 pounds
This is the "bottle-neck" punch used in a reloading press with the die for the RFJM-22R. It lets you use the same die for both 224 and 243 jackets. This works because the .243 is not a true finished jacket but only a pre-form, with the head unfolded and ironed out to about .219 diameter as required to get rid of the fold. Then the rest of the jacket is left at full fired diameter.
In the photo, the PUNCH-R is on the left side. The die is in the center, and the knock out rod is on the right. This listing is ONLY for the punch.
The two diameter punch flares the case mouth so it will form a pressure seal in the .243 core seat die. The undersized 22 LR case will expand from the core seating pressure to become a .243 diameter (same as the ID of the die). You do not push the 22 LR case all the way through the reducing die like you would for a making a 224 jacket. The punch for 243 is too large to go through the die entirely. It only irons out the case head and then the case is knocked back out of the die using a knock-out rod. This is a punch that has a nominal 1/4 inch body and a reduced .219 tip to go through the die and push the case out.
In the -S type and -H type RFJM-6M jacket maker dies, the die actually goes in the ram and looks like a swage die instead of a draw die. The internal punch is the knock out rod. It pushes the jacket pre-form out on the down stroke. The jacket draw punch goes in the press head, held by the floating punch holder. This is the opposite of the way the 224 and other jacket draw dies work. The conversion of a .22 LR case to make a .243 jacketed bullet is a bit of a one-of-a-kind operation, and uses a unique sort of draw die that is just the opposite orientation of the normal draw die. The reason is that the entire case is NOT pushed through and reduced, only the head is unfoled and reduced to get rid of the fold mark, while the rest of the jacket remains at fired 22 LR diameter except the mouth. The mouth is flared out to seal pressure when you seat the core to expand the jacket up to .243.
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