Heat Treatment Compound
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Catalog No.: HTC-1
Price: $45.00
Shipping Weight: 2.00 pounds
Heat Treatment Compound is a grey powder that you
sift onto warmed-up steel parts to form a thick black
coating, protecting the steel from oxidation and pitting
while it is being heat treated. After cooling, the
compound turns to a hard black glass, which is water
soluable. Simply boil the hardened parts in water to
dissolve the coating, leaving the clean steel surface.
Always use a ceramic or metal container when treating
parts in an oven, as the compound will bond to the floor
of the oven. Preheat parts to 300-400 degrees F and then
dust an even coating of powder on them. The powder will
immediately melt and form a black coating to exclude the
air. Eliminates the need for stainless steel wrapping,
airtight boxes or inert atmosphere furnaces.
Supplied in one-pound container.